Pieter van den Hombergh

Pieter van den Hombergh
Family practitioner, previous research fellow at IQhealthcare and Teacher at the FM-training Institute of the University of Amsterdam.

Dr. Wim Willems

Dr. Wim Willems
Free University Amsterdam (HOVUmc),

Dr. Marc Jamoulle

Dr. Marc Jamoulle
Family doctor,
Health data management specialist Department of general practice, University of Liege
Member and webmaster of the WICC web site www.ph3c.org
Initiator of the concept of Quaternary prevention
Author of the Q-Codes 3cgp.woncaeurope.org
Publications ; https://goo.gl/LEnwIQ

Dr. Andrea Neculau

Dr. Andrea-Elena Neculau
Medic primar de medicina familiei
Medic formator MF
Asistent Universitar, Facultatea de Medicină, Universitatea Transilvania Brasov